
Three of Pentacles

It is 6.48 here in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I have just watched the Sun's shadow engulf the moon. An entire Lunar Eclipse. As the shadow descended slowly taking almost an hour I thought of the old era fading out - the patriarchal world that served us well but that will now be eclipsed by a more loving and nurturing time: the golden era. As the shadow slowly lifts from the moon - the feminine re-emerges. In this new era we will nurture our beloved earth, learn how to live in harmony with each other and all of nature. We will collaborate in creating the most beautiful and life sustaining way of being.

The Three of Pentacles is a card about working with others. The triumvirate of skill, knowledge and spiritual awareness will make manifest the abundance that is possible. If we all bring our talent to creating a better world we can do it.

This is my thirty third card - a potently magical number. Three times Isis appeared to me after pulling this card so I knew it was time to paint her image. She embodies the mother archetype - the magic Goddess who can "re- member" a time when the earth was whole and healthy. She can help us re-assemble our world. Blessed be.