
The Magician

Today, on the Winter Solstice I finished The Magician. It is an important card for me as it is one of my birth cards along with The Sun and The Wheel of Fortune. As I painted I tried many figures before surrendering in a prayer to let whom ever needed to be The Magician come forth. I wondered who the mysterious man was that appeared, then over and over again Rumi - the Sufi poet came up while I painted. Rumi is the great communicator of the Divine. I thought about how I need to honor the different wisdom traditions, broadening my field to include the great teachers. I thought of the Magi, traveling to witness the birth of the Son/Sun; wise men from the east bearing gifts.
The Magician uses will, the elements and Spirit to manifest that which is desired. It is my desire to bring forth this deck as a tool of communication with the Divine.