
The Three of Wands

My son Noah suggested I pull a Tarot card for mother's day as the next card to paint. I pulled the Three of Wands. I was struck once again by synchronicity; in the Book of Thoth, Aleister Crowley gives this explanation of the Three of Wands: The Will has been transmitted to The Mother, who conceives, prepares, and gives birth to, it's manifestation. The meaning is harmonious, for this is the beginning of Spring. The sun has enkindled the Great Mother.

I thought about my mother and how she is still with me all these years after her death. She is watching me on my journey. She had a Tarot reading when I was twelve that accurately predicted her divorce, her moving to another country and living by the ocean - Valencia, Spain and remarrying a foreigner and that her youngest child would be famous. That's me. So I painted her watching my boat come in, along for the ride are my children and loved ones.

The Three of Wands means an enterprise that will end in success. It is a visionary card about manifesting our dreams beyond limitations. The figurehead boat signifies leading others, staying on course and move fearlessly into new areas. The blossoms communicate joy and the promise of fruit from our artistic endeavours.